Kiwanis International
Dedicated to serving the children of the world, this global volunteer organization annually raises more than $100 million and dedicates more than 18.5 million hours to strengthen communities and help children. Kiwanis members improve their communities through service projects and fundraisers. They make lifelong friendships, and most importantly, help children thrive, prosper, and reach their full potential.
Kiwanis International offers three clubs for adults: Kiwanis, Aktion Club, and Circle K International (CKI). Kiwanis clubs serve their communities by sponsoring 150,000 service projects each year. Aktion Club is the only community service club for adults living with disabilities. It provides members opportunities to become integrated into their communities while developing initiative and leadership skills. CKI is the world’s largest student-led collegiate service organization with clubs on 469 campuses. More than 132,000 Key Club and CKI alumni are associate members of Kiwanis to remain engaged in the Kiwanis family of clubs.
Kiwanis offers three clubs for youth: Key Club, Builders Club, and Kiwanis Kids. Key Club is the oldest, largest service organization for teens, and teaches leadership through service to others. Builders Club for adolescents provides students with opportunities to develop leadership skills, improve self-esteem, increase civic engagement, and learn life skills through service. Kiwanis Kids for elementary students provides opportunities to work together on service projects, develop leadership potential, and create strong moral character.
Kiwanis offers programs for students: Terrific Kids, Bring Up Grades, and Key Leader. Terrific Kids and Bring Up Grades, both for students age 6-12, teach children to plan, set goals, work with others, and celebrate success. Key Leader is a weekend leadership retreat for teens.